Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Surgery is a go...

Today Mom & I revisited the Neurosurgeon to review the results of the spinal tap procedure described in my last post. The Doc recommended that Mom have the shunt surgery and after reassuring her that as far as brain surgery goes, this surgery is minor. Then he proceeded to tell us of all the possible risks, no matter how remote.

We do have to get “cardiac clearance” before we can proceed with surgery; so I have contacted a cardiologist and will be moving forward with this testing next week. If all goes well, the shunt surgery should take place the first week in June.

Mom continues to be surprised that there is anything wrong with her, and that it could be serious enough to require "brain surgery". She is terrified of someone "messing around with her brain". She asked what would happen if she refused the surgery, and I explained that she would slip into an "Alzheimer's fog" and be in a nursing home sooner rather than later. And that if someone had an Alzheimer's diagnosis, they would be thrilled to have this type of treatment option available to them that might offer some hope of independent living again. She claims that she doesn't "feel sick"; but the days just slip by without her awareness, and while I try to provide examples of the symptoms of the condition, she is unable to comprehend that she is actually exhibiting the behaviors I describe.

I am hopeful that the surgery actually does relieve her symptoms and she is able to continue to live independently. My greatest fear is that the NPH symptoms will be relieved only for Alzheimer’s symptoms to arise in their place.

For now, I will focus on the positive that the surgery is proceeding and there is a glimmer of hope that she will have some memory restoration, not to mention greater balance control; which for a nearly 80 year old woman is also very important.