...I married my best friend.
As I recently told a friend who just got married, it's been a long and winding road,
And, as in any relationship there's been good days & bad days & going half mad days.
But through the years, and miles and tears and smiles
I'm proud to have found a lover who is also my friend to share the road with me.
May each of you find such Peace.
Happy Anniversary, and a cool yule! ( a bit late)
Hey, we miss you over at the boards! I hope you're doing well. This is yoshi, btw.
My marriage of only one year and 4 months pales in comparison!
Congrats again.
And I won't say that "I hope mine lasts that long!" either, because that requires uncertainty...
Why get married if your uncertain, right??
Hope all is gravy Dez!
I meant "you're", not "your" of course.
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