Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tin Cup Chalice

I've been watching in bemusement at the recent news reports of Corporate Executives defending the necessity of luxury retreats and private jets while asking for what is, in essence, Government Welfare.

Now, I'm not questioning the value of these corporations to the American economy. What I am concerned about is their gluttony, greed and poor decision making which may have more than a little to do with the reason they have the Tin Cup out on Washington's doorstep.

I think a little, er a lot of belt tightening is in order here.

The excuses these bloated elite have given ring hollow to me, i.e., it's corporate policy to fly private jets, or it's written into their contract. Soooo...that's easy. Change the policy. Duh. While saying that they're going to be trimming down and streamlining their businesses, they obviously aren't referring to their own salaries and perks. Apparently, these "movers and shakers" aren't paid the big bucks for commmon sense. ...Or maybe they're working from the "Let Them Eat Cake" manual of Public Relations. ;)

I've been shaking my head at just how deluded these individuals are about the "real world". They have no real comprehension of how unrealistic and out of touch their requests appear to the average American.

A good first step in "trimming down and streamling" would be to sell the jets (ala Sara Palin) and deduct what they make from the sales from the cost of the taxpayer-funded bailout they are seeking.

Ultimately, I predict these corporate gluttons will (hopefully) lose their jobs when their corporations file for bankruptcy. Sadly, the ripple effects of their greed will be felt by all the people of this country while they (literally) sail off into the sunset.

The only bright spot is that when these corporations emerge from the restructuring they will undoubtedly and painfully have to accomplish, one can only pray that they will be leaner and forward thinking.

We can't afford to stay stuck in the past any longer.


Anonymous said...

Amen, sister, amen.

It's jedi, account yet!

CruiserMel said...

I hear ya, sistah. Unfortunately, there is little justice in the corporate business world. Except for Ken Lay. Ha!