Earlier this week, Rolling Stones guitarist, Keith Richards, (who normally appears dead himself), said he snorted his father’s cremains…mixed with cocaine.
“He was cremated, and I couldn’t resist grinding him up with a little bit of blow. My dad wouldn’t have cared,” he said, adding that
“it went down pretty well, and I’m still alive.”
Hmmmm…let’s pause for a moment to reflect.
Keef has dropped off of the “who’s most likely to die” list, which he admits “has really disappointed him”. So, he pulls out 'ol Bert’s ashes and commiserates his mortality by becoming one with the old man. (I keep wondering how much was pure un-cut Dad?)
Maybe he did bong hits with dear old Mum, just to take the edge off, before ripping into the Urn?
Parting advice to the kiddo’s…don’t do any liquid Grandma…it only leads to the hard stuff.
*On Wednesday, Richards stated his recent comments were made in "jest", and can't believe people took him seriously. He published a comment on the Rolling Stones website stating that: "The complete story is lost in the usual slanting! The truth of the matter is that I planted a sturdy English Oak . I took the lid off the box of ashes and he is now growing oak trees and would love me for it!!! I was trying to say how tight Bert and I were. That tight!!! I wouldn't take cocaine at this point in my life unless I wished to commit suicide."
WTF? Personally, I find this retraction amusing. I think that his Manager probably got a call from Disney because the Pirate's of the Caribbean movie is coming out soon and, they didn't want 'negative' publicity. Note to Disney...Historically, Pirates have been (arguably) defined as a rebellious, clever lot who operated outside the bureaucracy of modern life. i.e., outlaws, that miiight receive 'negative' attention from mainstream society. This is not necessarily a BAD thing for your movie. The younger folks probably aren't paying attention and the older one's that might not have come to the show otherwise, might decide to check it out seeing that the 'ol boy isn't just playing a "rum-soaked wobbly legged pirate" on the silver screen.
Keith has lived the life of a Pirate, which is the reason that Johnny Depp fashioned his characterization of Jack Sparrow after him…this latest walk off the edge of the map just reinforces that he’s the real deal.
I am reminded of a niece's family member who, true to the old joke, wanted to be cremated and, um... "douched"... and was.
I was concerned about the "sanitary-ness" of this, but was told something like "Hey, he wasn't that clean to start with."
OMG, this was for real????? I was told this when I was coming out of anesthesia on Wednesday and thought they were just effin with me. This was for real?????? Love me some Keith.
williebee: OMG! Was she a "witch"?
Nah, Keef will crumble into dust immediately upon his death...no need for cremation. I can't imagine what's holding him together now. LOL
Mel: It's up to you to decide sweetie. Personally, Keith couldn't do anything that would surprise me.
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